Monday, November 21, 2011

Integrating sources

Limit your use of quotations:

When to use Quotations:
-when language is especially vivid or expressived
-when exact wording is needed for technical accuracy
-when it is important to let the debaters of an issue explain their positions in their own words
-when the words of an important authority lend weight to an arguement
-when language of a source is the topic of your discussion(as in an analysis or interpretation)

Using the ellipsis mark and brackets- used to condense a quoted passage, (three periods with spaces in between)- indicating that you have ommitted words.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Using Research in your Writing

For the third essay, it is important to understand how to properly use and cite research.
For a research paper the steps go as followed:

1. Choosing a topic
2. Testing your topic
3. Doing Research- Reference works, the library's catalog, periodical indexes and sources for facts and statistics
4. Evaluating Sources- reliable, respected, current and credible?

Monday, November 7, 2011


-general databases
-subject-specific databases

Refine using uneccessary words in databases and search engines.
To search a database, begin by typing a word or phrase with the keypoints of a topic.

To locate books, use a library's catalog.
-Search keyword or phrase and author.
-Get complete record of a book

To locate a wide variety of sources,turn to the web.
-search engines
-digital archives
-government and news sites
-discussion forums

Other Search Tools:
-Reference Works
-Specialized and Generalized reference works
-bibliographies and scholarly citations
-Conduct field research , if appropriate

Evaluate Sources:
-determine how a source will contribute to your writing
-select sources worth your time and attention
-scanning search results
(again....databases, search engines)


Arguementation can be defined as, "a process of reasoning that asserts the soundness of a debatable position, belief, or conclusion. In order to arguement in an essay and use this process, the steps begin with:

1. Identifying the issue
2. Backgrounds present both sides of issue
3. Topic sentence (take stand)

Persuasion can be defined as, " a general term that refers to how a writer influences an audience to adopt a belief or follow a course of action.

When planning an arguementive essay, you would begin by :
1. Choosing a topic- with a purpose
2. Developing a thesis- something that is debatable.
3. Analyzing your audience- skeptical
4. Gathering and Documenting Evidence- kinds of evidence, facts and opinions, Relevant Criteria for evidence-( representation, typical, and sufficent), Documentation of Evidence (document(ation), plagiarism, common knowledge)
5. Dealing with the Opposition- refutation, concede
6. Understanding Rogerian Arguement

When using deductive and inductive areguements:
1. Use deductive arguements- syllogism, major premise, minor premise, conclusion, self evident, valid, undistributed, distributed, true and sound
2. Using inductive arguements- hypothesis and inference, jumping to a conclusion, inductive leap and facts.
3. Using Toulmin Logic- claim, grounds, warrant
4. Recogonzing Fallacies
         1. Begging the Question
         2. Arguement from Analogy
         3. Personal Attack
         4. Hasty or Sweeping Generalization
         5. False Dilemma (Either/Or Fallacy)
         6. Equivocation
         7. Red Herring
         8. You Also
         9. Appeal to doubtful authority
        10. Misleading statistics
        11. After this, therefore because of this
        12. It does not follow
5. Using transtions- transition words (all in all, as a result, finally, etc.)