Monday, November 7, 2011


Arguementation can be defined as, "a process of reasoning that asserts the soundness of a debatable position, belief, or conclusion. In order to arguement in an essay and use this process, the steps begin with:

1. Identifying the issue
2. Backgrounds present both sides of issue
3. Topic sentence (take stand)

Persuasion can be defined as, " a general term that refers to how a writer influences an audience to adopt a belief or follow a course of action.

When planning an arguementive essay, you would begin by :
1. Choosing a topic- with a purpose
2. Developing a thesis- something that is debatable.
3. Analyzing your audience- skeptical
4. Gathering and Documenting Evidence- kinds of evidence, facts and opinions, Relevant Criteria for evidence-( representation, typical, and sufficent), Documentation of Evidence (document(ation), plagiarism, common knowledge)
5. Dealing with the Opposition- refutation, concede
6. Understanding Rogerian Arguement

When using deductive and inductive areguements:
1. Use deductive arguements- syllogism, major premise, minor premise, conclusion, self evident, valid, undistributed, distributed, true and sound
2. Using inductive arguements- hypothesis and inference, jumping to a conclusion, inductive leap and facts.
3. Using Toulmin Logic- claim, grounds, warrant
4. Recogonzing Fallacies
         1. Begging the Question
         2. Arguement from Analogy
         3. Personal Attack
         4. Hasty or Sweeping Generalization
         5. False Dilemma (Either/Or Fallacy)
         6. Equivocation
         7. Red Herring
         8. You Also
         9. Appeal to doubtful authority
        10. Misleading statistics
        11. After this, therefore because of this
        12. It does not follow
5. Using transtions- transition words (all in all, as a result, finally, etc.)

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